Trying to Grow Your Online Coaching Business & Frustrated With the Cookie-Cutter Strategies That Do NOT Light You Up?

The Hustle-Free Method

My Clients Are Using To Build

multi-6 Figure Empires

– Simply By Leveraging Their Own Inner Magic!

...Even If Before They Were Struggling To Sell High-End Offers,

Or Still Selling Low-Ticket, Or One-Off Sessions.

Here Is The Secret To A Profitable

Soul-Led Business That Feels Good

Get "Wealth By Soul Design" for Just $9.97 Todayand Discover the Breakthrough Method for Turning your Unique Personality, Gifts, and Magic into your Biggest Source of Revenue!

Use this method to unite Solid Business Strategies

with non-linear Quantum Creation

to claim the most lucrative Niche, embody your Soul Expertise,

and sell $10k+ offers in a Soul-led way.

You’ll receive The Wealth by Soul Design digital book,

the 7+ hour audiobook, a EPUB file for your e-reader or tablet,

and all of the included bonuses.

Wealth By Soul Design

Scale Your Business Into Multi-6 Or 7-Figure Empire

with The Badass Conscious F.U.T.U.R.E. Method


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“Helping People Transform And Heal”

And “Making Lots Of Money”

CAN Go Hand-In-Hand.


You might be very busy helping your clients but you’re already at capacity, that you’ve purchased a ton of courses that you’re tried to implement and it either made your business even more complicated , or you gave up on implementing because none of this felt aligned.

If you are successful now, it is probably because of lots of hard work and putting pressure on yourself to make it happen.

Your life might look right now AS MINE USED TO

(before I learned what I now know):


9+ hours per day of serving low-end clients because you CARE AND ALSO afraid to let them go even if they don't light you up anymore


-7 HOURS A NIGHt FOR SLEEP because you have to in order to keep your exhaustion and burnout from sabotaging your hustle


6+ hours per day of worrying, random marketing, and endless client hand-holding because you dont know how to sell high-ticket

Can You Relate? You should be proud of your success! But…

this hustle is NOT scalable.

Once you reach your time and energy capacity, you are capped.

TODAY my life and business look like this:

(because of the exact strategies I implemented that you can learn in my book)

I am able to work less than three days per week and generate over a million in revenue. I don’t need to launch a new offer every month.

I don’t even have to do live launches unless I feel like it. I don’t feed ‘freebie seekers’ and ‘tire kickers’ - I only attract people who already know I am their coach and just need to clarify the details in order to sign up.

I spend less than 15 minutes per day marketing my business. While the majority of coaches struggle on the sales calls, I love sales (and teach my clients how to love it!) and only attract leads that love my work already (which is a part of my methodology).

I don’t have to beg or convince people to work with me - they come to the sales calls wanting to work with me already.

And I want this level of freedom for you too!

How did ido it?

I stopped fighting what was not aligned,

stopped trying to implement all the things I was told online

by the average marketing guru

(who’s just trying to make a quick buck teaching what worked for them

as if it will work for all)

I stopped:

X Give away free “value” all the time, create a new “free gift” every week.

X Hammer on these “pain points” and only talk about “their problem”.

X Go live every day in Facebook groups, hold endless free workshops.

X Put on some “marketing persona” and use selling tactics to get people to buy.

X Get lots of complicated tech, create 20-step funnels.

And hustle, hustle, hustle...

Instead, I started running my business in a way that felt aligned with my Soul - only pursuing the growth strategies that felt authentic to me.

In short, I understood my Soul Design Strategy and I integrated it into ALL Aspects of my business.

This helped me to:

Claim my unique Expertise and speak clearly to magnetize lots of money (vs the skills I was selling)

Attract the people I had Soul Contracts with as my high-ticket clients (vs everyone I tried to market to)

Ignite my unique practical yet magical Methodology (vs over-teaching, over-giving, over-explaining)

Fuel my high-ticket offers that practically sold themselves (vs selling low-priced one-off sessions)

If you’re looking to grow your business in a way that feels aligned with your Soul and authentic to your message

Then I'd Like To Share With You My 6-Step Process

For Building A Multi-6 Or 7-Figure

Soul-Led Business

That You Love

(And Your Clients Love Too!)

To the Busy Coach or Healer on a Mission to Awaken Humanity

Wealth by Soul Design

“It’s like saving years of pressure, or forcing myself

into the cookie-cutter strategies that don’t fit,

and only doing what works for me!”

- Everyone integrating their Soul Design into their business vs #hustlelife

They Grew Their Businesses

Into 6+ Figure Empires

By Using My System Laid Out In

This “Wealth By Soul Design” Book

from over-working $200 sessions to $22k in just 3 months with LESS work.

From busy psychotherapy practice to 6+ figures with LESS work & MORE time

From confusion & limiting beliefs to unique method & first $15k client

My method works.

and not just for me...

  • Courtney is a Conscious Leadership Coach, she went from confusion & limiting beliefs to creating unique methodology & signing her first $15k client in 2 months of using her Soul Design.

  • Stevie is a Soul Blueprint Astrologer who went from over-working at $200 sessions and exhausted to generating $22k in just 3 months with LESS work.

  • Kristy is a Herbalist & Holistic Empowerment Mentor, she’s a corporate executive turned entrepreneur who went from $80 one-offs to multi-6-figures in just a few months of applying my methodology.

  • Viktorija is a Magnetic Leadership Catalyst who got clear on her Methodology & Marketing, upleveled her offer, and closed $32k in sales in just 3 months.

  • Garbielle is a Dragon Vision Leadership Coach who went from struggling to sell $100 sessions to a $12k offer with ease & confidence.

  • Lisa is an awesome Soul Resonance Mentor who went from over-working in psychotherapy practice with no time for herself to premium offers generating multi-6-figures with LESS work and MORE time for herself!

Should I go on?...

Little warning: I am not one of these coaches who’d tell you to “just meditate and connect to your Soul, and you’ll magically attract perfect clients who pay you $10k+ for your offers”.

Obviously I can't promise you that you’ll read my book and repeat my, or my clients, results. We’ve both been around the entrepreneurial block enough times to know that it takes dedication, commitment, and action to make it happen.

If you are looking for a ‘do-nothing-get-millions’ fix or a ‘Hail Mary’ option, please don’t buy my book.

BUT . . .

  • If you are that Badass Magical Unicorn who knows she’s got it,

  • And you’re done playing small,

  • You do choose to put in the RIGHT work...

  • Then with this book you can shortcut years into months using my methodology.

Grow Your Spiritual Business Into A Multi-6 Or 7-Figure Empire By Using My System Laid Out In This “Wealth By Soul Design” Book

The book I have for you on this page is a 195-page e-book that is the God-sent you’ve been waiting for, it's formatted to fit into your Kindle or Computer (or you can print it out if you've got ink to spare).

It is a complete guide to how to go from an over-complicated and frustrating busy hustle to a simplified, sustainable, Soul-led coaching or healing business that positions you to grow to multi-6 and 7-figures, without sacrificing your individuality, spiritual needs, or self-care space.

You can buy it if it feels aligned - this is your chance to trust your intuition and make a very productive decision. It comes with bonuses not available anywhere else. It's only $9.97 (really, Goddess, you can afford to risk that to gain a shortcut, right?!)

"My mind is blown by this book - Eugenia has eaten the complexity for the reader, in her clarity and guidance navigating us through the complex content, with such relevant examples and clear instruction... SOOOO impressed!!"

- Meredith trunkett,

head editor at peaceful profits

busy coaches, personal transformation experts, healers - Listen up!

Here’s What’s Awaiting You Inside

The “Wealth By Soul Design” Book



How to create a frictionless flow!

CHAPTER 1: Your Future Potential.

Here you’ll uncover why it all might feel so hard - your marketing, your offers, your business - and the one magic solution to activate the Power of Frictionless Flow so that you can scale with ease.


  • Understanding of what is making your business feel so hard

  • Get the key to the Frictionless Flow so your biz can feel good!



How to shorcut your path from years to months!

CHAPTER 2: My "Recovering Overachiever" Journey from Pressure to Sustainable Success.

I'll share with you the mistakes to watch out for so that you can avoid the detours I made (took me years) and get there faster (takes my clients months now!)


  • Clarity of what doesn't work and what to do instead

  • Shortcutting your path from years into months



How to solve the high-ticket client problem!

CHAPTER 3: Four Problems and How to Solve Them.

~ Why proven Business Strategies don't seem to work for YOU, despite supposedly working for ‘everyone else’.

~ Why regardless of your best explanations about what you do, (and being really good at doing it!), no one outside of your circle really gets what you’re saying.

~ Do you dread the Sales Calls? - What this means and how to fix it.

~ Where to find high-ticket clients? (HINT: it's more about your messaging than the location!)


  • A sustainable online coaching business strategy

  • Uncover what sabotages your high-ticket clients inflow



What is takes to be the CEo of your empire!

CHAPTER 4: The ONE Domino to Topple them All.

Cure your Niche struggles, only work with who you’re born to serve.

Uplevel beyond competition and become the ‘Market of One’.

Ditch bootstrapping offers and manifest one that lights you up.

Stop attracting crunchy clients by saying the Magic Words.

End self-Ssabotage and become a manifestation master.


  • Understand exactly what is required for you to create $10k to $100k+ months with ease

  • Get the keys to your queendom where you are the CEO of your empire



how to scale your biz!

CHAPTER 5: What’s the Catch?

~ No way to 6+ figures from where you are...

~ And here is the clue of what exactly must be adjusted to be able to get there with ease and flow (and fast!)


  • Clarity on the path to millions (if you want them!)

  • The hustle is NOT scalable - learn what must happen instead



How to get paid high-ticket on repeat!

CHAPTER 6: The Secret Navigation Key.

~ Here you’ll get the totally awesome bonus inside the book - an assessment to uncover your unique Archetypes and the power of your Soul Design.

~ I'll teach you how you can integrate it into your marketing and sales.

~ How to attract these dream high-ticket clients who easily pay you $5k, $10k, $15k+ for your Soul-aligned offers!


  • Knowledge of your Brand Archetypes and how to seamlessly integrate them into your marketing

  • Know exactly how to get paid high-ticket on repeat.



How to create your conscious future to soul-led millions!

CHAPTER 7: The Conscious F.U.T.U.R.E. Method

  • STEP 1: Fuel Your Soul Design Strategy by extracting your pre-installed-at-birth Soul Expertise and finally landing in your most lucrative Niche.

  • STEP 2: Unveil your premium Offer by creating a unique Signature System, price it high-ticket (aka over $5k), and ignite your ‘secret sauce’ magic to make you absolutely irresistible to the high-ticket clients who can afford your Offers, and get the best results from working with you!

  • STEP 3: Transform selling into the Vision-based Sales so that you never again have to either pressure someone to buy by hammering on the pain-points (out of integrity, ewue!) or avoid the sales call (hello, sabotage!) because you don't know what to say.

  • STEP 4: Upgrade your Marketing Message so that you are speaking to the elevated version of your ideal client who desires to work with you in the high-ticket format and won’t complain about the price.

  • STEP 5: Ramp up your Lead Gen Strategy so that you know exactly what to do to get these eyeballs on your awesome content without putting more pressure on yourself or sacrificing your sanity.

  • STEP 6: Elevate and Scale your Business by integrating correct automations and team, creating proper onboarding and delivery support to guarantee your clients’ success, and learn how to properly nurture leads to leverage every single person on your list (no more missed opportunities because you’ve been too disorganized!)


  • Come away with your entire online coaching biz layout

  • Get the details on the specifics no one tells you about!



How to implement the million dollar mindset!

CHAPTER 8: Embodying your Future Identity.

Step into the multi-6 or 7-figure Empress role by activating specific Wealth Energetics within you, and truly RULE from that place.

~Decide it is Already Done

~ Raise your Risk Factor

~ Assume that your Doubt is Always a Liar

~ Do What It Takes Until It Takes

~ Become an Observer of Truth

~ Learn how to Always Get What you Came For

~ Master the art of Always being Abundant.


  • The million dollar mindset rules that will skyrocket your success

  • Know exactly what to implement to get the results



The non-linear quantum path to high-ticket flow!

CHAPTER 9: Mastering the Quantum Creation Process.

Manifest these Quantum Leaps and shortcut your business from the busy low-level hustle (or a struggling high-ticket hustle) to the sustained momentum of the frictionless profitable empire.


  • Come away with a grounded non-linear process to make money

  • Switch from low-ticket struggle to high-ticket ease



How to Add the 'woo' to matter to make it count!

CHAPTER 10: Activating Inner Rules.

The magic key to really getting that whole “woo stuff” land in the practical “matter stuff” so that you can have conscious control and mastery over your business (aka, no more going down with your emotional waves, or letting your insecurities or the lack of confidence sabotage you).


  • Clarity on what it really takes to run a multi-million empire

  • Get the strategy for self-mastery to consciously create your path



How to actually manifest your soul-aligned millions!

Chapter 11: Time to Land that Spaceship, dear Leader!

How to put it all together (business strategy, energetics, non-linear magic, your unique Soul Design and Archetypes) and finally arrive to where you know you’re born to be - with impact, influence, personal power and wealth.


  • Come away with a full map to multi-6 or 7-figures YOUR way

  • Unapologetically claim who you're born to be!

Get This Book Right Now And Receive

These 4 Bonuses FREE!



Learn with more ease - listen to my voice!

BONUS 1: Audio recording of this book

Prefer listening to your books?

~ Order now and I'll include the 7+ hour narrated-by-me audiobook version of the “Wealth by Soul Design” for FREE!

~ Audio files are energy-coded with my own voice, so you get the actual imprint for transformation to take place.

~ The files are delivered directly to you so you can listen on any device, and I'll include instructions to make listening easy and enjoyable for you.



GET TO THE FUN FASTER - mirror what i (& my clients) did

BONUS 2: “90 Days to $100k Blueprint" (a 14-page e-book, that illustrates my Method)

I’ll walk you through what I did to create my very first business success integrating my Soul Design Strategy and made $132k in 3 months using the Conscious F.U.T.U.R.E. Methodology that became the book you’re reading, so you can see what is possible for you as well with a few simple tweaks!

  • We’ll look at exactly what I did to build my audience from ZERO and charge high-ticket prices in integrity;

  • How I positioned myself in the marketplace to get the most lucrative Niche (and specific mindset I had to adjust);

  • How this magnetized to me the clients who were willing to pay high-ticket for my offers.



GET TO see first hand exactly where you are in your coaching biz - so you can fix it!

Bonus 3: Extremely Thorough Self-Assessments

~ I've included them to help you understand what is blocking your path and what is appropriate strategy for you at this point of your entrepreneurial journey.

~ It hurts my Soul to see how many amazing female business owners give up on their dreams because they’re sold strategies that are NOT appropriate for where they are, and thus only generate more struggle, pressure, or doubt as a result!



GET your journal and do the work - i'll help you!

Bonus 4: Detailed Exercises and Journal Prompts

~ These are the same prompts that I currently use with my paid clients!

~ Yes, the ACTIONABLE practical things that will help you get there vs just selling you a concept!

I want you to succeed!

let's sprinkle some highly-practical fairy dust on your business with my new book

~ Wealth by Soul Design ~

Leverage your Unique Magic

to scale your business

into a multi-6 or 7-figure empire

with a badass Conscious F.U.T.U.R.E. Method

Enjoy a highly profitable, Soul-led, sustainable online coaching business with the battle-tested step-by-step marketing and messaging strategies for conscious coaches, healers, and personal transformation experts who know they're meant to lead the human collective.


  • Clarity on what NOT to do - so you stop wandering about in circles & shortcut to what actually works: Value: $500

  • The practical system you can start implementing right away to set yourself up for the multi-6 or 7-figures with ease: Value: $10,000

  • How to speak to high-ticket clients so they buy: Value: $5,000

  • High-Ticket Mindset and Energetics to get you to soul-aligned millions without friction: Value: $5,000

  • Bonus 1: Energy-Coded Audiobook: Value: $1,000

  • Bonus 2: Mirror how I got to Millions e-book: Value: $200

  • Bonus 3: Thorough self-assessments to help you see your blind spots: Value: $100

  • Bonus 4: Detailed journal prompts so you can start implementing right away and create tangible results: Value: $100

TOTAL VALUE = $21,900+

Taught at $3,000+

Today's Price = ONLY $9.97

You’ll receive The Wealth by Soul Design digital book, the 7+ hour audiobook, a MOBI file for your e-reader or tablet, and all of the included bonuses.