3 Things Missing in Your Videos To Create Pre-Sold Clients
Episode 52 | Trainings
How to Create Pre-Sold Premium Clients by Mastering Your Presentation
Are you wondering why your incredible offers and high-ticket services aren’t attracting the clients you know they should?
Or why people are showing interest but not clicking to book a call?
In this episode, we dig into the secret of what really needs to be in your presentation, content, and how you show up to convert premium-level clients who are ready to pay you $5k, $10k, or even $15k for your high-ticket offers. If you’re struggling to land these clients or feeling awkward on video, this episode will walk you through a clear path to success.
We’ll explore:
How to shift from over-teaching to focusing on what converts.
Why your energetics matter more than perfect words.
The three key components every presentation must have to attract premium-level clients.
How to confidently express your expertise and own your unique methodology.
Why presenting yourself authentically is the strategy to pre-sell high-ticket offers.
And more!
Don't miss this game-changing episode! Your next high-paying client could be just one shift away.
Let’s talk about your presentation.
Whether you’re a spiritual coach, personal transformation guide, or thought leader, there’s one universal truth when it comes to landing high-ticket clients: how you show up matters.
You could have the perfect strategy, be on video regularly, and still find yourself thinking, “Why aren’t they signing up?” It’s frustrating, but the real issue may be that you’re either saying too much or missing the key points that create conversions.
Or, perhaps you’re avoiding video altogether because it feels awkward and forced.
It’s time to simplify your process and focus on the three components that always convert: your expertise, what makes you different, and your unique methodology.
Many coaches find themselves talking in circles on video, over-teaching and over-delivering. People thank them for all the valuable information, but no one buys.
Or maybe you're reading from a script you prepared, thinking it’s going to sound polished—but it comes off as stiff and disconnected.
Sound familiar?
You’re not alone.
Why energetics are everything.
Here’s a simple truth: people buy your energy before they buy your offer.
If your energy is off—whether from lack of confidence or clarity—it doesn't matter how well-crafted your script is. Energetics trump words every time.
But the good news is that if your presence is strong and aligned with your message, you can still sell even if your messaging isn’t perfect. That’s because clients are magnetized by certainty and authenticity.
When you align your energetics with the key components of your offer, you attract the right clients.
Let’s break down the three essential elements you need to master.

1. Showcase your expertise.
Are you downplaying your experience? Many coaches fall into the trap of forgetting to emphasize their credentials and years of mastery. Instead, they vaguely mention their intuitive gifts or ability to connect with clients.
Stop doing that.
You need to own your expertise.
If you’ve spent 5, 10, or 20 years honing your craft, say that! Your clients need to know why they can trust you to help them with their high-level transformation. Weave your years of experience into your content casually but confidently.
Example: “From my 20 years of working with hundreds of clients, I’ve learned that…”
2. Highlight what makes you different.
If you don’t know what sets you apart from other coaches, you’ll blend in with the noise.
Before you go on video, ask yourself, “Who would my ideal client compare me to?” Then, clarify how you’re different. For instance, if you’re a relationship coach, your clients might compare you to therapists or other relationship experts. Or, if you’re a spiritual coach, they might compare you to other manifestation coaches.
Now, speak to what makes you unique.
Maybe you integrate clairvoyance into your coaching, or perhaps you combine deep spiritual wisdom with rock-solid business strategies. Whatever your edge is, make sure it’s clear to your audience.
3. Present your unique methodology.
To sell a high-ticket offer, you must have a clear methodology. If you don’t, your audience won’t understand how you can help them reach their goals.
Remember, people buy what they understand, not necessarily what’s objectively the best program.
Your methodology doesn’t have to be complicated, but it does need to be well-defined. Clearly articulate how you take a client from point A to point B and the results they can expect. This clarity will set you apart and help you pre-sell your premium services.

The Magic of Alignment
When you focus on owning your expertise, clearly stating what makes you different, and presenting your methodology, everything starts to fall into place.
So, how do you magnetize the right clients to you—without needing to chase them down?
How do you create pre-sold premium clients by aligning energetics and strategy?
Listen or watch this episode for answers!
Watch the episode here:
Ready to Attract Pre-Sold Premium Clients?
If you’re ready to stop over-teaching, and start selling your high-ticket offers to ideal, spiritually mature, pre-sold clients - let’s talk.
CLICK HERE to apply to book a free Soul Strategy Audit call
✅ This call is for you if you want to learn how to speak with power, clarity, and confidence to attract premium clients—before you even make the offer.
✅ The Soul Strategy Audit is ideal for coaches and transformation leaders ready to jump from charging lower-end fees to landing $10k clients consistently.
✅ It’s a five-figure investment (payment plans start at $3k/month). If you’re ready to take your messaging and energetics to the next level, we’ll discuss how my Conscious F.U.T.U.R.E. Mastery program can support you.
Even if you’re just starting out but know you’re ready to invest in the long game, you can still qualify for this high-level transformation. Let’s see if it’s a fit.
For those wanting to take a slower, more self-paced approach, my Business Soul Strategy Foundations program offers the same transformational methodology in a self-study format. Click here to get started with BSSF (payment plans start at $500/month, and the investment counts toward CFM if you choose to upgrade later).
For the rest of the episode:
Are you ready to step up in your business and grow your Soul-led empire?
We’ll look at your current business situation
Come up with a clear plan of what needs to be addressed and how
And I’ll share how I can help you achieve it in 4 months!
no matter if you're a seasoned coach or a beginner, this will work for you.
Check out how you can implement my Conscious F.U.T.U.R.E. Method onto your business >>

Are you an action-taker who just wants the gist of how my method can help you? Here's binge-worthy mini-series:
In this super-short mini-series I’ll show you how my clients and I get leads to sell themselves using this innovative Quantum Client Attraction system, without a huge following, new program launches, or hiring a team.
Why you get overlooked by high-ticket clients – and how to become the go-to choice for your ideal premium clients who are ready to invest.
Why you get objections on the sales calls – and how to convert leads into buyers without living in your DMs, convincing or pressuring anyone to buy, or hiring a sales team.
Why bro-marketing strategies don’t work for you – and how to sustainably grow by activating your Wealth by Soul Design© energetics, without forcing yourself into out of integrity tactics.
CLICK HERE to find out how to sell “intangible” transformation at high-ticket prices >>