How your fears sabotage your sales

Moving Beyond the Karmic Fear of Visibility to Attract Pre-Sold Premium Clients

July 08, 20249 min read

Episode 50 | Trainings

Moving Beyond the Karmic Fear of Visibility

to Attract Pre-Sold Premium Clients

Do you know deep down that you're meant to share your wisdom and transformation with the world, but feel like something is holding you back from being truly visible?

Struggling with the fear of judgment or feeling like you're not enough?

In this episode, we dive into the common visibility fears that keep personal transformation coaches hidden and disconnected from their ideal clients. We’ll uncover the misconceptions that might be blocking you and explore how to show up authentically and powerfully.

We’ll explore:

  • Why visibility isn’t about your qualifications or certifications.

  • How to align your visibility with your true self to attract the right clients.

  • The role of energetics in overcoming visibility fears.

  • Why trying to belong and fit in is sabotaging your visibility.

  • How to reclaim your power and stop fearing judgment.

And more!

You won’t want to miss this episode (even my current paying clients rave about it!)


Let’s talk about visibility fears.

If you're a coach who knows in her heart of hearts that you're meant to be out there in the world, delivering your wisdom, message, and transformation to humanity, one essential part of that process is being visible so your ideal clients can actually find you.

This is often the most challenging aspect for many spiritual coaches or those selling personal transformations because we have so many issues and misconceptions about what it means to be visible.

For example, you might think you have to be someone you're not in order to be visible. Maybe a coach told you that you need to do things in a specific format, in a way that doesn't fit you. So every time you show up, it feels like you're turning yourself into a pretzel.

Naturally, you'd resist that and think, “I can't be visible because that just doesn't work for me.”

The real issue is you never got clear on how to do it in a way that aligns with who you are. That might be why you're not so good at it yet, but that's a skill you can learn.

Your business only works when you are aligned, when you're bringing your soul work to the world, and you're generating income through it. If you're not getting sales, you don't really have a business. You're just sharing your thoughts online or educating people on what you know. But if you want your business to thrive, a big part of that is visibility – visibility that’s aligned with who you are.

Maybe you're thinking you're not educated enough. I hear this often: “Oh, let me get another certification, take another program, then I can add some letters after my name and say I'm qualified because I've studied this and someone else approved of me.”

None of this is true.

The truth is, you don't need more certifications to be visible and successful. Your value and ability to make an impact come from your authentic self and the unique transformation you offer, not from external validations. Understanding that always being on a journey of self-education is just part of your character is a good thing, but it’s not directly related to your readiness to be visible.

Visibility isn't about your education.

It's about your alignment and what you're actually delivering!

Not being enough are excuses to not show up in your power that sabotage your business

You might have been told that you need to be qualified in a specific way for people to take you seriously. Maybe this stems from a childhood story where you were told you wouldn’t be taken seriously unless you were very logical. But if you're not a logical person, trying to be logical feels awkward and doesn’t work. It doesn’t attract the right people because they can’t relate to your forced logic—it doesn’t resonate with the vibration of your soul. That’s why it’s crucial to handle visibility from the correct place.

All these issues boil down to the fear of not being enough.

You might feel like you’re not educated, qualified, ready, or polished enough to be visible and safe in your visibility. These excuses stop you from truly being visible in your power, perpetuating the fear of not being enough.

I'm here to tell you that you ARE enough.

You’re enough from the start.

If you have it in your heart of hearts that you’re meant to change humanity, you have a unique perspective, and you can help your clients in a deep way, then you are enough.

The universe wouldn’t put you here with the gifts you have without equipping you to use them.

You are ready now.

Your human self might never feel ready, and that’s okay. At some point, it’s not about what your human self wants; it’s about your Soul Mission.

Why are you here?

What is your Soul's drive?

Maybe you’re trying to belong a bit too much, and that’s causing issues with visibility. I’ve seen this a lot – when someone tries to fit in with those around them to avoid judgment, they hide their true selves.

If you’ve been hiding by fitting in, then you can’t be visible because you’re minimizing your power as a survival mechanism, which is anti-visibility.

Then you wonder why posting content and showing up on video isn’t working. When we examine the energetics, it becomes clear that the person is minimizing herself in every video and piece of content.

You need to be clear about where you're coming from. If you’re trying to belong, this is really a fear of judgment, a fear that people might not like you. But if you show up in all your glory and power, there will be people who . . . don’t like you. That’s a fact. There will be people who disagree with you or have different beliefs, and that’s a good thing. It helps your business evolve by making you stand out.

You are ready and enough from the start

Fear of visibility often stems from fear of judgment.

If you’re afraid of judgment, you can’t show up. This fear leads to stories like, “I don’t belong,” or “What if I get rejected?”

You can never be rejected if you’re not trying to belong.

If you’re not trying to be accepted, you can’t be rejected.

So, how do you take your power back?

Stop trying to be accepted. That’s how you eliminate the fear of rejection!

Now, let’s address the idea that you need to be 100% safe to show up. It’s not a perfect world, so that’s never going to happen. By holding onto that belief, you’re setting yourself up for failure, thinking, “I can’t show up because I’m not 100% safe.” This allows your lower self to avoid showing up because, hey, you’re not completely safe. This mindset prevents you from attracting ideal clients and forces you to chase after people.

And you don’t want to chase clients, right?

You don’t want to do cold calling or constantly follow up with people who aren’t interested?

It’s not enjoyable for anyone.

Unfortunately, many coaches promote techniques that involve chasing cold leads, leading to a dislike for marketing and sales. It’s no fun for anyone involved and ends up being a lot of busywork that hurts your soul.

If you’re waiting to be 100% safe before showing up, you’re dealing with a fear of persecution. But in the 21st century, no one is going to burn you at the stake or stone you. This fear is a past story from your subconscious, perhaps a karmic experience where you were rejected or harmed for being different. You’re seeking a guarantee of safety that simply doesn’t exist. Remember, we create our own reality.

You can never be rejected if you're not trying to be accepted

As a transformational coach and spiritual person, you know this truth.

What you broadcast, you attract.

If you’re putting out the need for a 100% guarantee of safety, knowing it’s unattainable, what do you think you’ll get? You’ll either attract people who don’t like you – or you won’t show up at all! This past fear of persecution is sabotaging your ability to show up and help your clients.

My Conscious F.U.T.U.R.E. Method helps my clients detach from these past stories and reclaim their power.

So how do you recognize and address these fears, and stop them from sabotaging your visibility?

How do you start showing up in your full power, ready to attract and serve your ideal clients?

Listen or watch this episode for answers!

Watch the episode here:


If you're ready to magnetize ideal premium clients for your high-ticket offers: CLICK HERE to apply to book a free Soul Strategy Audit call

This call is for you if you want to see if you’re a fit for my highly customized Conscious F.U.T.U.R.E. Mastery program (mastermind or private).

It is a 5-figure investment (payment plans start at $3k/month). If you’re accepted, we will devise the next steps.

Even if you are just starting, if you know you are ready, willing to do what it takes, and want to BEND TIME to get there faster – you can still qualify (this is why we need to talk, don’t take yourself out of the game😉).


If you know you need what I am talking about, but NOT at the level to invest $3k per month, or prefer to go slowly at your own pace, learn and implement – then the Business Soul Strategy Foundations program is for you. It is based on the SAME METHODOLOGY, yet it is a distilled self-study version to help you start your biz correctly and sign your very first high-ticket clients. You can jump in right away without having to apply by clicking here for BSSF (payment plans start at $500 monthly – and investment counts towards CFM if you choose to jump into the mastermind later).  


For the rest of the episode:



Are you ready to step up in your business and grow your Soul-led empire?


  • We’ll look at your current business situation

  • Come up with a clear plan of what needs to be addressed and how

  • And I’ll share how I can help you achieve it in 4 months!

no matter if you're a seasoned coach or a beginner, this will work for you.

Check out how you can implement my Conscious F.U.T.U.R.E. Method onto your business >>

3 Ways to Work with Me: Conscious F.U.T.U.R.E. Method

Are you an action-taker who just wants the gist of how my method can help you? Here's binge-worthy mini-series:

In this super-short mini-series I’ll show you how my clients and I get leads to sell themselves using this innovative Quantum Client Attraction system, without a huge following, new program launches, or hiring a team.

  • Why you get overlooked by high-ticket clients – and how to become the go-to choice for your ideal premium clients who are ready to invest.

  • Why you get objections on the sales calls – and how to convert leads into buyers without living in your DMs, convincing or pressuring anyone to buy, or hiring a sales team.

  • Why bro-marketing strategies don’t work for you – and how to sustainably grow by activating your Wealth by Soul Design© energetics, without forcing yourself into out of integrity tactics.

CLICK HERE to find out how to sell “intangible” transformation at high-ticket prices >>

How to get leads to sell themselves using this innovative Quantum Client Attraction system

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