Why your Content is Not Converting into Paid Clients

Why your Content is Not Converting into Paid Clients

June 25, 202410 min read

Episode 48 | Trainings

Why your Content is Not Converting into Paid Clients

If you're at the place where you know you're an awesome expert at what you do, but realizing you're not really sure how to market that at all? Attracting the wrong leads who don't buy?

In this episode we are going to look at mistakes you might be making in your content that repels ideal clients, and keeps you producing random 'busy-work' instead of aligned results. We will look at how your message can reflect your unique Soul Design and what you can easily implement to alleviate the pressure and attract premium clients for your coaching offers.

We’ll explore:

  • What to say in your content to attract high-ticket clients.

  • Why you’re attracting freebie-seekers instead of buyers.

  • How explaining what you do actually repels premium leads.

  • What your energetics has to do with your conversions.

And more! You won’t want to miss it ;)


Let’s talk about converting content.

There are so many amazing experts like you—spiritual masters, mentors, personal transformation gurus—who excel at what they do but struggle with marketing.

Today, I want to clear up some misconceptions about marketing.

Often, I hear this from new clients: “I hate marketing, I don’t know how to market, I don’t want to market.”

But what’s the alternative?

Magically expecting people to come to you? That’s not a business strategy. Sure, it’s fantastic when referrals come your way, but relying solely on that limits you to the people you already know. If you’re realizing, “I don’t have enough potential clients in my current network, and I need to expand,” it’s time to step up.

Expanding into a larger audience means:

  1. Internally choosing to be visible.

  2. Learning how to market.

These two steps go hand in hand.

If you’re at the point where you know your work is crucial for humanity and the planet,

If you deeply care about human transformation and want to amplify your impact,

If you want more clients experiencing amazing transformations,

If you desire premium-level clients who pay higher fees because your work is profound and transformational,

then it’s time to adjust your visibility and marketing strategy.

Today, I want to focus on why your content might not be converting. Conversion means someone reads your post or watches your video and feels compelled to act—they want to work with you, reach out, or learn more about what you do. Instead, they might just scroll past, ignore your emails, or stop watching your videos without taking action.

Maybe you have long video trainings, meditations, and workshops. Potential clients might watch them, find them helpful, but then do nothing. They think, “That was nice, thank you,” but they don’t book a call, reach out, or buy.

After a while, it might feel like you have a second job, constantly producing content that doesn’t bring results. I don’t want you in that place. With my clients, we simplify the business. Marketing becomes easy when your business aligns with your Soul Design, utilizing the correct positioning and energetics.

Simplify your marketing with Soul Design message, positioning, energetics.

Let's dive into the three main issues that might be blocking your ability to attract clients.

First, you might think you need to convince your leads of your value, leading to a lot of over-education in your content. You keep telling people what you do, constantly backing up your expertise with details that go over their heads. But here's the thing: people don't actually care about the nitty-gritty. This creates a disconnect.

If you're creating content that isn't converting—hour-long Facebook Lives or Instagram videos explaining all the amazing things you do—it's because you believe you need to educate and convince them. You're trying to prove your expertise, but it’s not working because your audience doesn’t understand or care about the specifics. I'll tell you what to do instead a bit later.


Another mistake is speaking to the wrong type of person. If your messaging leans heavily on hand-holding, fixing trauma, and being the support they never had, you’ll attract people who want free stuff. Sure, they'll love you and consume all your content, but they won’t pay $5,000 or more for your offers.

To attract high-paying clients, you need to speak differently. Your content should not cater to those looking for a quick fix or temporary relief but to those ready for a long-term, transformative journey.


The third mistake is producing content based on what you think you should put out, rather than what you’re energetically aligned with. Maybe a business or marketing coach advised you to create “pillars of content” and subcategories. You mapped it all out and started posting, but it falls flat because your energy isn’t in it. You're providing data and education, but not your unique frequency.

People connect deeply with your energy, not just the information you share.

People connect with your energy, not just the information you share

Remember, you want to elevate human consciousness and create spaciousness in your life, not just busy work.

You're willing to work hard, but you don’t want to work hard all the time, right?

Business involves some hard work—that's just part of life. But if anyone tells you business is all easy and magically aligns, they're not being honest.

I've been in business for 30 years, always successful, always producing income, always profitable. I've helped hundreds of people create profitable businesses in intangible niches like quantum field downloads, working with angels, or crystalline adjustments to Akashic records – something that normal business coach would never touch with a 10-foot pole because they think it's not sellable. And I've helped my clients sell these programs for $10k and more by aligning to their Soul Design.

So, how do you attract premium leads?

What needs to go into your content to make it happen with ease?

Instead of talking to the wrong people, constantly proving yourself, over-educating, or overthinking what should go into your content — creating friction and making you feel ready to give up because it’s just not working and it feels too hard — we shift into what is actually aligned.

Marketing is always a part of the business, but when done correctly, it doesn't feel bad or create friction. In fact, it can be a beautiful, creative process, an expression of you that feels natural.

If you're a natural talker, your marketing might include video or podcasts. If you're a natural writer, it might include writing posts or blogs. The key is connecting to your audience through your energy, understanding your Soul Design, and adjusting your business and marketing strategy to align with it. This creates a flow and momentum.

I often get asked, “How do I get momentum in my business? I feel like I’m just spinning my wheels, working hard, creating all this busy work, putting out content, and nothing happens.” Momentum isn't some magical creature you find in a rare forest. It’s CREATED by aligning your practical business strategy with your energetics and internal strategy, and taking consistent action. Together, that’s self-mastery.

I’m not your typical business coach. What I teach is a combination of business strategy and energetics, anchored through the masterful application of who you are in your life. That way, you get to live your Soul Mission. Your business becomes not just something you do, but a profound extension of who you are.

I work with coaches who care deeply about what they're doing. They’re NOT selling a technique they learned and got certified in. They’re selling something uniquely theirs, a methodology based on their Soul Contract and what they’re meant to do in this life.

Imagine living your life from that perspective!

  • You’re doing what you’re meant to do on this planet.

  • You’re delivering your message, connecting with the right people, and vibrating at the right frequency.

  • All of this is packaged in the correct offer, with the right pricing, market positioning, and marketing strategy so you don’t experience friction.

It still takes work, of course. If you’re looking for a business with absolutely no work, I’m not your person. Business requires effort.

But there’s a big difference between aligned work, where you know you’re learning, growing, elevating who you are, and enhancing your business, versus busy work done to prove yourself, convince others, or simply because you don’t know what else to do.

This is a common issue. People come to me saying, “I just don’t know what to do, Eugenia. I’ve done everything!” I can guarantee you haven’t done everything if you haven’t aligned your Soul Design to your business. Without that, you don’t have the correct strategy.

So how to create content correctly? So that it attracts qualified buyers instead of freebie-seekers? Listen or watch this episode for answers!

Watch the episode here:


If you're ready to magnetize premium clients who will pay high-ticket prices for your amazing Soul Work, CLICK HERE to apply to book a free Soul Strategy Audit call

This call is for you if you want to see if you’re a fit for my highly customized Conscious F.U.T.U.R.E. Mastery program (mastermind or private).

It is a 5-figure investment (payment plans start at $3k/month). If you’re accepted, we will devise the next steps.

Even if you are just starting, if you know you are ready, willing to do what it takes, and want to BEND TIME to get there faster – you can still qualify (this is why we need to talk, don’t take yourself out of the game😉).


If you know you need what I am talking about, but NOT at the level to invest $3k per month, or prefer to go slowly at your own pace, learn and implement – then the Business Soul Strategy Foundations program is for you. It is based on the SAME METHODOLOGY, yet it is a distilled self-study version to help you start your biz correctly and sign your very first high-ticket clients. You can jump in right away without having to apply by clicking here for BSSF (payment plans start at $500 monthly – and investment counts towards CFM if you choose to jump into the mastermind later).  


For the rest of the episode:



Are you ready to step up in your business and grow your Soul-led empire?


  • We’ll look at your current business situation

  • Come up with a clear plan of what needs to be addressed and how

  • And I’ll share how I can help you achieve it in 4 months!

no matter if you're a seasoned coach or a beginner, this will work for you.

Check out how you can implement my Conscious F.U.T.U.R.E. Method onto your business >>

3 Ways to Work with Me: Conscious F.U.T.U.R.E. Method

Are you an action-taker who just wants the gist of how my method can help you? Here's binge-worthy mini-series:

In this super-short mini-series I’ll show you how my clients and I get leads to sell themselves using this innovative Quantum Client Attraction system, without a huge following, new program launches, or hiring a team.

  • Why you get overlooked by high-ticket clients – and how to become the go-to choice for your ideal premium clients who are ready to invest.

  • Why you get objections on the sales calls – and how to convert leads into buyers without living in your DMs, convincing or pressuring anyone to buy, or hiring a sales team.

  • Why bro-marketing strategies don’t work for you – and how to sustainably grow by activating your Wealth by Soul Design© energetics, without forcing yourself into out of integrity tactics.

CLICK HERE to find out how to sell “intangible” transformation at high-ticket prices >>

How to get leads to sell themselves using this innovative Quantum Client Attraction system

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