Never feeling ready but know you're meant to lead

Never feeling ready but know you're meant to lead

June 04, 20248 min read

Episode 31 | Trainings

Never feeling ready but know you're meant to lead

Are you feeling the call to serve and generate income doing your Soul Work, but keep running into the all-too-familiar excuse of "I'm not ready"?

In this episode, I dive deep into why you might feel unworthy or unprepared, and how to overcome these internal barriers. Discover how the universe has already equipped you with everything you need, and why taking action now is essential for your growth and impact.

If you’ve been waiting for the perfect moment to start or scale your business, this discussion is your wake-up call. Tune in to learn how to align your business with your unique Soul Design, create abundance, and fulfill your true purpose.


Let’s talk about being ready.

I hear this so often from people who, deep in their hearts, know they’re meant to serve and generate income doing their Soul Work. They run into the internal excuse of “I’m not ready.”

  • I’m not ready because I don’t know enough.

  • I’m not ready because I haven’t educated myself enough, haven’t gotten some certification that says, “Hey, I’m a life coach,” or “I’m this type of healer,” or “I know this technique.”

  • Maybe you feel not ready because you still have all this baggage yourself. You think, “Well, if I’m not a master, highly enlightened, how could I possibly generate income doing my Soul Work?”

I’m here to tell you—that’s not how it works. If you feel the calling within you, it’s because you’re meant to do it. And if you’re meant to do it, you’re meant to run a profitable, Soul-aligned business that uplifts consciousness on earth while creating financial freedom for you.

The universe has already given you “all the right parts”!

It’s all in there.

You don’t have to know everything before you start.

It’s actually the other way around.

You need to start doing it, and as you do, you’ll notice what would be beneficial to add to what you’re doing.

The sooner you start doing it, the sooner you feel capable

You might take a course, like my Business Soul Strategy Foundations course, which teaches you how to create irresistible high-ticket offers and get your first premium clients. You might read a book, like my Wealth by Soul Design, which lays out my entire Conscious F.U.T.U.R.E. Method so you can see the larger view and get clear on what actions to take.

Eventually, you might learn another technique to add to working with your clients. But that comes later.

That’s not the front. That’s the behind-the-scenes thing. That’s the add-on.


One of the main issues is always that feeling of “I don’t feel worthy to support others,” even when you know you’re meant to.

You need to realize that if you have that Soul call within you, that desire to serve, it’s because you’re meant to do it.

The universe is efficient. If you feel like something is meant to happen for you, it’s because it actually is!

The longer you stay in the mindset of “I’m not ready,” the further you push it away.


It’s rather tragic – people spend their whole lives feeling unready, never serving, and then they die without fulfilling their purpose.

Don’t be that person. 

Instead, think like this:

“I know I have wisdom. I care deeply. I hold space for people in amazing ways. I have certain skills even if I don’t understand them all yet. I want to put it all together, present it, get paid, serve, and let abundance flow back to me. I want to impact lives deeply and let this flow of wealth support me.”

Maintaining consistent aligned frequency

This is what I do with my clients. I help you extract your unique Soul Expertise – not just learned skills, but what you inherently are.

We then package that into your unique methodology for presenting it to the world. This isn’t something you need to learn from the outside; if you’re learning it from the outside, it’s NOT your Soul Expertise.

You came into this lifetime with a Gift.

If you know you’re meant to serve and get paid for it, let’s talk (book a free Soul Strategy Audit call).

We can extract that wisdom, package it, and teach you how to present it correctly so you can start bringing in wealth for what you’re meant to do. This is how we serve.

You might never FEEL ready.

If you’re waiting for that feeling, you could wait your whole life.

The feeling of being ready or not ready is a form of self-protection from your lower self, fearing failure, rejection, or worse. This stems from past experiences, like the witch wound, where showing your truth led to harm or rejection. But that’s not our current reality. Understanding this helps you separate past feelings from present reality.


If you know you want to serve and generate income, then the past feeling of unreadiness is irrelevant.

It gets worked on as you show up.

If you wait for it to get better, it never will.


Past protections try to make you like everyone else, fitting in to stay safe. But the problem is upgrading the tribal field, bringing in individuality and uniqueness to shift planetary consciousness towards unity. This happens by being different, by showing up as your higher self, NOT the hidden, lower self.


If you keep trying to stay hidden for protection, you’re living an illusion.

It’s like being inside a bell that rings “danger” and hoping it stops. It won’t, because we’re bringing higher consciousness into lower consciousness.

We are the ones who will change this. We create a different pattern by showing up, even when scared, knowing we have something valuable to offer.

There are different ways to serve though…

You can maintain a certain frequency without generating income, simply delivering that energy to the planetary field. If you can do that consistently, you’re serving. If not, I have programs for that, like the Transcension Gate courses – ongoing self-mastery programs to help you maintain that energy.

But if you deeply want to convert your energy and love for humanity into income, so you might eventually leave your job or grow your existing business into a full-time venture, you need to step out of the “I’m not ready” mindset.

Claim your position in life. Claim that you’re taller than others, a leader.

Watch the episode here:


If this resonates with you, CLICK HERE to apply to book a free Soul Strategy Audit call

This call is for you if you want to see if you’re a fit for my highly customized Conscious F.U.T.U.R.E. Mastery program (mastermind or private).

It is a 5-figure investment (payment plans start at $3k). If you’re accepted, we will devise the next steps.

Even if you are just starting, if you know you are ready, willing to do what it takes, and want to BEND TIME to get there faster – you can still qualify (this is why we need to talk, don’t take yourself out of the game😉).


If you know you need what I am talking about, but NOT at the level to invest $3k per month, or prefer to go slowly at your own pace, learn and implement – then the Business Soul Strategy Foundations program is for you. It is based on the SAME METHODOLOGY, yet it is a distilled self-study version to help you start your biz correctly and sign your very first high-ticket clients. You can jump in right away without having to apply by clicking here for BSSF (payment plans start at $500 monthly – and investment counts towards CFM if you choose to jump into the mastermind later).  


Its time you start generating income doing what you love, with integrity and higher frequency, promoting it to the world and getting paid.

We’re meant to get paid for our Soul Work. The Piscean age of “poor and spiritual” is over. We’re now in the Aquarian age of individuality, uniqueness, and abundance.

To bring abundance, we must deliver value, through the frequency we generate or the service we provide.

Maintaining a higher, aligned frequency consistently is a part of our service.

And I can definitely teach you how to do that.

For the rest of the episode:



Are you ready to step up in your business and grow your Soul-led empire?


  • We’ll look at your current business situation

  • Come up with a clear plan of what needs to be addressed and how

  • And I’ll share how I can help you achieve it in 4 months!

no matter if you're a seasoned coach or a beginner, this will work for you.

Check out how you can implement my Conscious F.U.T.U.R.E. Method onto your business >>

3 Ways to Work with Me: Conscious F.U.T.U.R.E. Method

Are you an action-taker who just wants the gist of how my method can help you? Here's binge-worthy mini-series:

In this super-short mini-series I’ll show you how my clients and I get leads to sell themselves using this innovative Quantum Client Attraction system, without a huge following, new program launches, or hiring a team.

  • Why you get overlooked by high-ticket clients – and how to become the go-to choice for your ideal premium clients who are ready to invest.

  • Why you get objections on the sales calls – and how to convert leads into buyers without living in your DMs, convincing or pressuring anyone to buy, or hiring a sales team.

  • Why bro-marketing strategies don’t work for you – and how to sustainably grow by activating your Wealth by Soul Design© energetics, without forcing yourself into out of integrity tactics.

CLICK HERE to find out how to sell “intangible” transformation at high-ticket prices >>

How to get leads to sell themselves using this innovative Quantum Client Attraction system

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by leveraging your unique soul design©